It's no secret I like to fish. I picked up a fly rod for the first time at the age of twelve, I'm now fifty three, and I'm not even close to tired of it. And thinking about fishing, while not as fun as actually fishing, often brings a smile to my face. In fact, I have even discovered that thinking about fishing can be highly useful! As I've gotten older, I don't sleep as well. I never have problems going to sleep, but I sometimes have problems staying asleep. So, when I wake up (usually between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m.), I've learned a technique that helps. I choose some of my favorite fishing moments, and think about them, and soon enough, I'm drifting. Sometimes, I try to make a list of the most memorable fish I've ever caught. I usually only get a few fish down the list, and I'm sound asleep.
Today, I'm fully awake, but mostly homebound, trying to do my part and stay home. I'm a little restless, I've got some time on my hands since the real estate market isn't booming, and if there were ever a time to make a list, this is it! Although there are other things that make fishing trips memorable, the company, locales, food, etc., the fish are still the stars of the show. These are ranked in no particular order. I'll start each by giving the species, the size, the day they were caught, and if they were a quest, a target, or a surprise. A quest is a fish you have pursued somewhat obsessively, a target is a fish that happened to be what you are actually fishing for, but the particular fish caught that day stood out, and a surprise is one of the wonderful fish that come like a bolt from the blue, that you could never have planned for. And yes, as you scroll through, you'll notice this turns out to be a top twelve list. (Note, as this blog was written, it turned out to be a two parter, today, I'll share the second six.
Fish #7 Brown Trout, Sheboygan River Wisconsin
Date: November, 1996
Size, 36.5 inches long, 21.5 inch girth, aprox. 22.4 pounds
Category: Target
Fish #8 Dusky Shark, Jupiter, Florida
Date: July, 2019
Size: 300 pounds
Category: Quest
I love sharks. I've been fascinated by them since I was kid. And since I've been fishing offshore in Forida for false albacore, I've been trying to figure out how to get the large sharks that are a constant presence around the boat, to both eat a fly, and once they eat, to land them. The second part is more challenging than the first, most of sharks around the boat are in the 200-500 pound range, we're fishing in over 100 feet of water, and the first thing they do when you hook them is dive. But, with lots of trial and error, I ended up with the right tackle, the right flies, and the right rigging, and began to have success slapping fish alongside the boat. (not in the boat!) Had a wonderful take from a giant right at the surface, got to watch it slide past the fly, turn on it's tail and engulf it, and then with some good boatwork from the captain, and some hard pulling on the 16 weight, actually had the fish tired, and at the surface in about thirty minutes. My guide called it at 300 pounds, obviously no measurements were taken. Interestingly enough, in the picture you can see a hook in the corner of the mouth, but that's not mine, the fly is on the other side, and also a green tag.
Fish #9 Snook, Jupiter Florida
Date July, 2016
Size 41 inches and change
Category: Target
Fish #`10 Sawfish, Everglades
Date July 2016
Size Not really sure
Category: Biggest surprise of all time
Walking the shoreline in Flamingo, after a good day of fishing the Glades. Saw a fish that looked to be about three feet long approaching, looked exactly like a small shark. As it approached, I dropped the fly to the side of it's head, twitched it, and when I did, it swung it's SAW at the fly. I let the fly fall to the bottom like a wounded baitfish, and the craziest fish of my life, just sucked it up. It was a little hard to release, because I just wanted to hold it and stare at it, even then, was pretty convinced that I would never have the opportunity to hold one of these again.
Fish #11 Northern Pike, Devils Lake, North Dakota
Date May, 2018
Size: 40.5 inches
Category Target
When I was growing up, northern pike carried a mystique. They were full of teeth, known to eat baby ducks and muskrats, and could actually hurt you, if you weren't careful handling them. They are actually named after a weapon. My grandfather, who was both a fishermen and a storyteller, had lots of great fishing stories, and many of them involved pike. Over the years, I had landed many pike on fly, both targeting them, and as bycatch, but Iowa isn't exactly a pike hot spot, and big ones are very uncommon here. With that in mind, I headed somewhere with a bit more of a reputation, Devils Lake, North Dakota, which is absolutely loaded with pike. The plan was to fish two days, and my hope was to land a forty inch fish. On the morning of the first day, casting a large, chartreuse over white ep baitfish, it happened. Nothing dramatic about the strike, or the fight, but somehow holding the fish, and then watching it swim away, it filled me with memories of chasing these fish as a child, my grandfathers stories, throwing the big wooden, tooth scarred plugs. And you have to admit, although you might not call them pretty, a darn handsome fish in their own right.
Fish #12 Peacock bass, Agua Boa River
Date: January, 2020
Size: 17 pounds plus
Category: Target
Peacock bass are everything you want in a gamefish. They are beautiful. They love to eat flies. They jump. They pull so hard in the first thirty seconds or so of the fight that it's a little terrifying. Joseph, our guide for the day, navigated us through a narrow creek off the main river, until it opened up in to a large lagoon. He made eye contact, and said, "Check leader. Big fish here." And big fish there were. In a short amount of time, I landed six fish over ten pounds, the biggest at fifteen. But on the very last shoreline, just as my fly was swinging behind the boat, I saw a fish tracking it, and had just enough to think, "that's a BIG fish", when it surged forward and crushed the fly. All peacock bass are great, this one was just a little extra. I had never had one battle quite so hard, and wasn't particularly surprise when it also turned out to be my biggest. And what made it a little sweeter, I took the family big peacock title (a mythical belt) back from my wife, who had landed a sixteen pound fish the year before.
And there you go. Hopefully, some of these fish will be replaced in the coming years. Or, I'll just have to make my list longer! Would love to hear about some of years. If you are interested in an Amazon peacock trip, contact me!
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